There are lots of small interface “brick” style products available, and we looked at them all. After carefully studying the pro’s and con’s, we started the development of a complete new family of bricks, different and more feature rich than the rest — yellobrik’s. read more…

12G SDI Solutions
HDMI Conversion
Audio Embedding / De-embedding
Video Distribution
Sync Pulse Generator
ST 2110 IP and Streaming
Frame Synchronizers
MADI Fiber Conversion
SDI Fiber Converters
Sync Pulse Fiber Conversion
Ethernet Fiber Conversion
Serial Data Fiber Conversion
CWDM Fiber Optic MUX / DEMUX
Fiber Splitters
Rack Frames
Rack Controllers
We all know how annoying and frustrating it can be when trying to change a connection or setting when there is no manual immediately available, so we adopted a new basic mantra for the development of each new yellobrik device — “No manual needed”
We clearly identify all connections and signal flow, and everything you need to know is printed right on the module. All controls are easily accessible and clearly labelled, with no need to remove covers, move links, figure out complex dip switch settings or connecting a PC.
Even though yellobrik’s are low cost utility products, reliability and technical performance are key to the functionality of these modules. Yellobrik’s are the most stable and technically proficient bricks available and are backed up with excellent after sales service and support.
Most yelobriks are compatible with the yelloGUI and LYNX Centraal software application which allows you to monitor and configure soem of the modules advanced settings.
Our innovative 1RU rack mounting chassis lets you move from simple throw down use into a tidy, organized system installed in a 19” rack frame. Central power and redundant power protection adds to system flexibility, the available rack controllers and server options provides a full system architecture for larger integrated solutions and interfacing to third party control systems.