LYNX Technik AG launches the much anticipated greenMachine

greenMachine is a completely new concept adopting a three prong approach to product definition and function. Rather than being a fixed application specific box, greenMachine is a combination of general purpose hardware, downloadable APPs for customizable functionality and powerful control software. With greenMachine, the industry has a way to reimagine their approach to purchasing, upgrading…

LYNX Technik announces the launch of its three new MADI fiber optical to MADI coaxial converters

MADI (Multichannel Audio Digital Interface) is a bi-directional protocol that transmits multi-channel audio over coax or fiber optic lines. MADI is commonly used on today’s digital multi-track recorders, digital live sound mixers, and digital performance systems that utilize multi-track technology.   LYNX Technik’s three new yellobriks for MADI allow for the transmission and extension of…

LYNX Technik Announces Technical Strategic Alliance with Multiviewer Specialist Craltech

LYNX Technik AG, provider of modular interfaces for broadcast signal processing applications, announces its strategic and technical partnership with Craltech, a specialist in multiviewer systems with over 30 years of experience in professional video. The two companies are leaders in broadcast and professional audio video technology in their respective fields: LYNX Technik in signal processing…

LYNX Technik yellobrik Enable Live Streaming & Recording for Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg

In 2014, the Research Community, Electronic Media (Electronic Media eV Forschungsgemeinschaft elektronische Medien e.V. – FeM), supported the streaming & recording technology and personnel requirements for the 31st Chaos Communication Congress (31C3), an annual four-day conference on technology, society and utopia. The Congress offers lectures, workshops and various events on many topics including, but not…

LYNX Technik Launches yellobrik 3G Quad-Split Multiviewer

The new Quad-Split yellobrik is a compact, portable quad-split processor that supports the display of 4x 3G/HD/SDI-SDI inputs on a single HDMI display. In addition to its quad-split capabilities, this new unit includes an integrated 4K down converter, for applications that require 4K (12G, quad-link) HDMI monitoring. This solution is ideal for monitoring multiple 3G,…

LYNX Technik Upgrades 3G-SDI/DVB-ASI Changeover Switch

LYNX Technik AG announces an upgrade to its Series 5000 3G-SDI/DVB-ASI 2-Channel Changeover Switch. LYNX will be showing this new enhanced signal processing card. The new SVD 5812-1R extends the feature set of the existing Series 5000 2-channel protection/emergency changeover switch, the SVD 5812. The SVD 5812-R changeover switch provides automatic or manual SDI switching…