LYNX Technik AG announces that its greenMachine APP-based and software-defined solution has received a SATIS audience favorite award in the Diffusion & Distribution category. This is LYNX Technik’s fourth innovation award for the new greenMachine® platform.

SATIS is an annual event held in Paris, France, highlighting and showcasing the latest audiovisual developments in broadcast and multimedia technologies.

Having received two major awards at NAB and IBC for greenMachine, it is an honor to receive yet another award that acknowledges this product’s innovative features,” comments Sebastian Schaffrath, Chief Technology Innovation Officer (CTIO) of LYNX Technik. “greenMachine’s true nature is functional flexibility built around APPs and powerful software. We would also like to thank Bettina and Julien of our French partner Pilote Films for their great efforts.”

greenMachine is a new concept that offers facilities a different and unique approach to future-proofing their technology investments. By installing different APPs, each greenMachine can be transformed into a custom processing unit to fit the exact needs of the user. The powerful greenGUI software provides universal management and control to create and visualize the entire signal processing chain. A hardware device provides processing power and inputs and outputs, with several models to choose from.













Find out more on green machine here, or visit