AutoControl – System Automation

AutoControl for APPolo is a radical advancement for infrastructure control and automation. Most facilities 
use automation yet generally do not have the ability to automate static terminal equipment. AutoControl 
adds automation and programmable intelligence inside the terminal equipment, which enables automatic 
reconfiguration of the modules functions, signal routing and internal signal processing, This opens up an 
entirely new layer of power and flexibility to automated facility control.

APPolo monitors every module’s internal status and configuration, every input and output in terms of 
presence and video format, plus multiple external GPI inputs in the system. Based on these input parameters, 
the user can program an automatic conditional “action” using logical functions.

A simple example: 

The video input to a module has embedded audio present, however the embedded audio 

from AES1 could be dropped or go missing depending on the input signal received. The user would like to 
automatically embed an external audio input if the SDI input is missing audio. 

With APPolo Auto Control, the solution is simple. Program APPolo to monitor the embedded AES 1 input 
stream on the selected video input. If audio is present, the system will do nothing and transparently pass the 
audio to the output. If the AES1 audio is missing, the system will automatically reconfigure the module and 
route an external audio input to the AES1 channel on the embedder and embed new audio. 

There is virtually no limit to the automation that APPolo offers! From a very simple action to an incredibly 
complex series of events that span multiple modules in multiple rack frames in several locations. 

APPolo automation is only limited by your imagination.

CustomControl - Build Your Own Interface



1. Design.

Designing a custom control interface could not be easier, LYNX provides you with an intuitive PC editor. Simply 
drag and drop the desired control into your workspace and assign the control to a specific module function. 
A custom control interface can be as simple as a solitary button or slider, or a complex multi-level control 
surface with many integrated controls. There is virtually no limit to the design possibilities. 

Design and deploy as many custom control designs as you like within your APPolo network.

PC Editor




controls, containers and add notes where needed. The example design shown above uses


sliders, buttons, drop down selections and a check-box.


TOOLBOX OF AVAILABLE CONTROLS. Simply select the desired control and drag and drop it into


the workspacy


SHAPES PALLETTE. For a dense design use a container to house a set of controls. The contents of 


the container are revealed when the operator zooms into the control panel. You can even put a


container within a container This enables the use of very dense single layer designs. Notes


can be added to explain and describe the controls to operators.

With The CustomControl option you can now design and deploy 
your own custom control interface. 

This greatly simplifies system operation and visualization. This 
is accomplished with a simple, intuitive graphic editing tool, no 
programming required.